object FPref: TFPref Left = 34 Top = 34 Width = 579 Height = 428 HelpContext = 30 Caption = 'Preferences' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] HelpFile = 'netmail.hlp' Position = poScreenCenter OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 571 Height = 364 ActivePage = TabSheet1 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet Caption = 'General' object Label20: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 6 Width = 59 Height = 13 Caption = 'User Profiles' end object GroupBox5: TGroupBox Left = 195 Top = 17 Width = 355 Height = 103 Caption = 'User Information' TabOrder = 0 object Label10: TLabel Left = 14 Top = 24 Width = 31 Height = 13 Caption = 'Name:' end object Label11: TLabel Left = 14 Top = 46 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = 'User ID:' end object Label18: TLabel Left = 14 Top = 74 Width = 75 Height = 13 Caption = 'Return address:' end object NameEdt: TDBEdit Left = 98 Top = 16 Width = 243 Height = 21 DataField = 'NameEdt' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 0 end object UserEdt: TDBEdit Left = 98 Top = 44 Width = 175 Height = 21 DataField = 'UserEdt' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 1 end object DBRetAddress: TDBEdit Left = 98 Top = 72 Width = 175 Height = 21 DataField = 'RetAddr' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 2 end end object GroupBox4: TGroupBox Left = 195 Top = 128 Width = 355 Height = 73 Caption = 'SMTP Mail Server' TabOrder = 1 object Label8: TLabel Left = 14 Top = 22 Width = 67 Height = 13 Caption = 'SMTP Server:' end object Label9: TLabel Left = 14 Top = 44 Width = 55 Height = 13 Caption = 'SMTP Port:' end object SMTPServerEdt: TDBEdit Left = 102 Top = 16 Width = 177 Height = 21 DataField = 'SMTPServerEdt' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 0 end object SMTPPortEdt: TDBEdit Left = 102 Top = 44 Width = 43 Height = 21 DataField = 'SMTPPortEdt' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 1 end end object GroupBox6: TGroupBox Left = 195 Top = 206 Width = 355 Height = 93 Caption = 'POP3 Server' TabOrder = 2 object Label12: TLabel Left = 18 Top = 22 Width = 65 Height = 13 Caption = 'POP3 Server:' end object Label13: TLabel Left = 18 Top = 46 Width = 53 Height = 13 Caption = 'POP3 Port:' end object Label14: TLabel Left = 18 Top = 70 Width = 49 Height = 13 Caption = 'Password:' end object POP3Server: TDBEdit Left = 106 Top = 16 Width = 187 Height = 21 DataField = 'POP3Server' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 0 end object POP3Port: TDBEdit Left = 106 Top = 40 Width = 39 Height = 21 DataField = 'POP3Port' DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 1 end object POP3PasswordEdt: TDBEdit Left = 106 Top = 64 Width = 119 Height = 21 DataField = 'POP3PasswordEdt' DataSource = DataSource1 PasswordChar = '*' TabOrder = 2 end end object DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator Left = 10 Top = 308 Width = 540 Height = 20 DataSource = DataSource1 VisibleButtons = [nbFirst, nbPrior, nbNext, nbLast, nbInsert, nbDelete, nbEdit, nbPost, nbCancel] TabOrder = 3 end object DBGrid1: TDBGrid Left = 10 Top = 22 Width = 173 Height = 277 DataSource = DataSource1 TabOrder = 4 TitleFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET TitleFont.Color = clWindowText TitleFont.Height = -11 TitleFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' TitleFont.Style = [] end end object TabSheet5: TTabSheet Caption = 'Options' object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 15 Top = 14 Width = 421 Height = 121 Caption = 'Getting Mail' TabOrder = 0 object Label1: TLabel Left = 230 Top = 36 Width = 39 Height = 13 Caption = 'minutes.' end object AutoCheckStart: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 14 Width = 395 Height = 17 Caption = 'Check for new mail on program startup' TabOrder = 0 end object AutoCheckMail: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 35 Width = 159 Height = 17 Caption = 'Check for new mail every' TabOrder = 1 end object MinutesEdt: TEdit Left = 170 Top = 32 Width = 51 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 Text = 'MinutesEdt' OnExit = MinutesEdtExit end object AutoStopList: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 56 Width = 399 Height = 17 Caption = 'To block the email address (if there is in stop list database).' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 3 end object AutoApplayfilter: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 76 Width = 399 Height = 17 Caption = 'Apply filter after mail checking immediatly.' TabOrder = 4 end object Opt_Delete: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 96 Width = 399 Height = 20 Caption = 'Delete mail from server' TabOrder = 5 end end object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 17 Top = 146 Width = 421 Height = 37 Caption = 'Sending Mail' TabOrder = 1 object SaveSent: TCheckBox Left = 4 Top = 16 Width = 379 Height = 17 Caption = 'Save sent messages in Out mailbox' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 0 end end object GroupBox3: TGroupBox Left = 17 Top = 190 Width = 421 Height = 66 Caption = 'General' TabOrder = 2 object Label2: TLabel Left = 20 Top = 36 Width = 66 Height = 13 Caption = 'Web browser:' end object FullHeaders: TCheckBox Left = 4 Top = 14 Width = 377 Height = 17 Caption = 'Show system information.' TabOrder = 0 end object BrowserEdt: TEdit Left = 102 Top = 34 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object BrowseBtn: TButton Left = 338 Top = 33 Width = 69 Height = 23 Caption = 'Browse' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = BrowseBtnClick end end object GroupBox7: TGroupBox Left = 17 Top = 259 Width = 421 Height = 69 Caption = 'New Address' TabOrder = 3 object AutoUniqueAdress: TCheckBox Left = 4 Top = 20 Width = 379 Height = 17 Caption = 'Add unique E-mail addresses only.' TabOrder = 0 end object AutoAddAddress: TCheckBox Left = 4 Top = 44 Width = 379 Height = 17 Caption = 'Add E-mail addresses automaticly. ' TabOrder = 1 end end object RGcharset: TRadioGroup Left = 457 Top = 146 Width = 81 Height = 105 Caption = 'charset' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( '"us-ascii"' '"win-1251"' '"koi8-r"') TabOrder = 4 end end object TabSheet2: TTabSheet Caption = 'Greeting && Signature' object Label3: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 6 Width = 501 Height = 29 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Enter your greeting and signature below. This signature will be ' + 'included at the end of every message you send. Note: Internet et' + 'iquette suggests signatures of less than five lines.' WordWrap = True end object Label15: TLabel Left = 240 Top = 56 Width = 70 Height = 19 AutoSize = False Caption = ' First name ' Color = clWhite ParentColor = False end object Label16: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 89 Width = 70 Height = 19 AutoSize = False Caption = ' Last name ' Color = clWhite ParentColor = False end object Label17: TLabel Left = 241 Top = 120 Width = 70 Height = 19 AutoSize = False Caption = ' URL ' Color = clWhite ParentColor = False end object Label19: TLabel Left = 12 Top = 303 Width = 97 Height = 13 Caption = 'Attachment directory' end object Label21: TLabel Left = 241 Top = 149 Width = 70 Height = 19 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Company' Color = clWhite ParentColor = False end object Label22: TLabel Left = 241 Top = 177 Width = 70 Height = 19 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Description' Color = clWhite ParentColor = False end object Memo1: TMemo Left = 6 Top = 232 Width = 540 Height = 51 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 0 end object UseSignature: TCheckBox Left = 6 Top = 206 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use signature' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 1 end object Usegreeting: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 36 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use greeting' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 end object Editgreeting1: TEdit Left = 6 Top = 55 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 3 end object Editgreeting2: TEdit Left = 86 Top = 87 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 end object Editgreeting3: TEdit Left = 6 Top = 119 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 end object AttDirBtn: TButton Left = 456 Top = 298 Width = 69 Height = 23 Caption = 'Browse' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = AttDirBtnClick end object AttDirEdit: TEdit Left = 120 Top = 299 Width = 329 Height = 21 ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 7 end object UseURL: TCheckBox Left = 336 Top = 120 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use URL' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 8 end object EditCompany: TEdit Left = 6 Top = 148 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 9 end object UseCompany: TCheckBox Left = 336 Top = 149 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Company' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 10 end object EditDescription: TEdit Left = 6 Top = 176 Width = 225 Height = 21 TabOrder = 11 end object UseDescription: TCheckBox Left = 336 Top = 177 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Description' State = cbChecked TabOrder = 12 end end object TabSheet3: TTabSheet Caption = 'MIME SetUp' object Panel3: TPanel Left = 0 Top = -160 Width = 0 Height = 160 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 0 object Label4: TLabel Left = 51 Top = 63 Width = 56 Height = 13 Caption = 'Description:' end object Label5: TLabel Left = 15 Top = 82 Width = 86 Height = 13 Caption = 'Default Extension:' end object Label6: TLabel Left = 51 Top = 44 Width = 58 Height = 13 Caption = 'MIME Type:' end object Label7: TLabel Left = 10 Top = 102 Width = 90 Height = 13 Caption = 'Viewer Application:' end object MIMEType: TLabel Left = 124 Top = 44 Width = 205 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'MIMEType' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object Description: TLabel Left = 124 Top = 63 Width = 289 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Description' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object Extension: TLabel Left = 124 Top = 82 Width = 69 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Extension' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object lApplication: TLabel Left = 124 Top = 102 Width = 213 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'lApplication' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object Label23: TLabel Left = 145 Top = 17 Width = 114 Height = 16 Caption = 'Content - Type : ' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False end object Button1: TButton Left = 346 Top = 94 Width = 89 Height = 25 Caption = 'Browse' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Button1Click end object NewBtn: TButton Left = 55 Top = 126 Width = 89 Height = 23 Caption = 'New' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = NewBtnClick end object EditBtn: TButton Left = 152 Top = 126 Width = 89 Height = 23 Caption = 'Edit' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = EditBtnClick end object DeleteBtn: TButton Left = 248 Top = 126 Width = 89 Height = 23 Caption = 'Delete' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = DeleteBtnClick end end object ListBox: TListBox Left = 0 Top = 21 Width = 563 Height = 155 Align = alClient ItemHeight = 16 Sorted = True Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ListBoxClick OnDrawItem = ListBoxDrawItem end object Header: THeader Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 0 Height = 21 Align = alTop AllowResize = False Sections.Sections = ( #0'73'#0'MIME Type' #0'64'#0'Extension' #0'72'#0'Application') TabOrder = 2 end end end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 364 Width = 571 Height = 37 Align = alBottom TabOrder = 1 object SBSave: TSpeedButton Left = 142 Top = 8 Width = 133 Height = 22 Caption = 'Save && Exit' OnClick = SBSaveClick end object SBCancel: TSpeedButton Left = 300 Top = 8 Width = 133 Height = 22 Caption = 'Cancel && Exit' OnClick = SBCancelClick end end object TSetup: TTable DatabaseName = 'VistaMail' TableName = 'SETUPVST' TableType = ttParadox Left = 406 Top = 54 object TSetupNameEdt: TStringField DisplayLabel = 'Name' DisplayWidth = 25 FieldName = 'NameEdt' Size = 255 end object TSetupUserEdt: TStringField DisplayLabel = 'User ID' DisplayWidth = 25 FieldName = 'UserEdt' Size = 255 end object TSetupSMTPServerEdt: TStringField DisplayLabel = 'SMTP Server' DisplayWidth = 25 FieldName = 'SMTPServerEdt' Size = 255 end object TSetupSMTPPortEdt: TIntegerField DisplayLabel = 'SMTP Port' FieldName = 'SMTPPortEdt' end object TSetupPOP3Server: TStringField DisplayLabel = 'POP3 Server' DisplayWidth = 25 FieldName = 'POP3Server' Size = 255 end object TSetupPOP3Port: TIntegerField DisplayLabel = 'POP3 Port' FieldName = 'POP3Port' end object TSetupPOP3PasswordEdt: TStringField DisplayLabel = 'Password' DisplayWidth = 25 FieldName = 'POP3PasswordEdt' Visible = False Size = 255 end object TSetupRetAddr: TStringField FieldName = 'RetAddr' Size = 50 end end object DataSource1: TDataSource DataSet = TSetup Left = 368 Top = 52 end object TMimeType: TTable DatabaseName = 'VistaMail' TableName = 'Mimetype.db' Left = 452 Top = 48 object TMimeTypeMimeType: TStringField FieldName = 'MimeType' Size = 40 end object TMimeTypeMimeAction: TIntegerField FieldName = 'MimeAction' end object TMimeTypeDescription: TStringField FieldName = 'Description' Size = 30 end object TMimeTypeApplication: TStringField FieldName = 'Application' Size = 255 end object TMimeTypeExtension: TStringField FieldName = 'Extension' Size = 3 end end end